Dating Apps to Try if Tinder Isn't Your Thing ...


Dating Apps to Try if Tinder Isn't Your Thing ...
Dating Apps to Try if Tinder Isn't Your Thing ...

Maybe you've had a bad experience with Tinder (or know people that have) or maybe you want more than a hookup. Whatever the reasoning, has given us these awesome dating apps that may just help you find true love once and for all!

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1. WooPlus

The creators of WooPlus caught wind of all the body-shaming that was going down on Tinder and aim to make their app a safe space for plus-sized women (and men) to mingle and meet up.

"We are committed to proving that human beings are a lot more than their size. And we do so by helping plus size singles have a shot at finding the right kind of companionship," states WooPlus on its website. "So, all you big girls and big guys tired of rejection, WooPlus app offers you a chance to find compatible partners you can befriend, date, have long-term relationships with or even marry."

2. Sweatt

human action, product, gadget, muscle, arm, So Sweatt hasn't really taken off just yet — but we're totally in love with the concept of it. It's a dating app for people who like to stay fit, and you can match up with people based on what times you like to work out, what kind of exercise you prefer, and photos (of course). Considering most dating apps are all about alcohol and happy hour, Sweatt's take is quite refreshing.

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3. Hater

OK, so we know that in order to really click with a new partner you need to have at least a couple things in common — but isn't it more important to hate the same things instead of having a ton of common interests?

That's the concept behind the new app Hater. When you sign up, you'll be offered 3,000 hand-selected topics to weigh in on — including marijuana, build the wall, gluten-free and tipping less than 15 percent.

But if you're a little off-put by the word hate, don't worry. CEO Brendan Alper says they want to users to bond over things they dislike, but actual hate is not something the site condones.

"We view hate speech as completely unacceptable, we have zero tolerance for any sort of bigotry or hate speech or discrimination," he says.

4. Klique

Klique used to be a group-date only experience, but they recently announced a new update that allows users to match individually, creating more opportunities to connect with and discover new people. You can match solo now, but you can also have the extra comfort and safety of creating a Klique group to make new connections with your friends by your side, so to speak.

The app definitely seems to be aimed towards 20-somethings who are heavy into the party scene — which is kind of perfect, because you definitely need a wingman any time you meet someone for the first time in a club setting.

5. Bark 'N' Borrow

If you're a dog person, you're gonna want to check this one out. Bark’N’Borrow connects dog owners with a community of trusted and verified dog lovers for walks, sitting appointments and play dates.

It's not really a dating app for you as much as it is for you dog, per se — but when you're hanging out with a bunch of peeps who adore canines, love is sure to be in the air sooner or later.

6. FirstMet

FirstMet (formerly Are You Interested) boasts a network of over 30 million users who are on the market. Those numbers are nothing to sneeze at — and we all know that the more users there are, the more our chances of hooking up with someone compatible skyrockets.

The platform seems to attract a more mature dater, so if you are over fooling around with douchers, you might want to give FirstMet a try.

7. Neqtr

Neqtr is an app for those who want to make a difference in the world — and meet like-minded people to share meaningful relationships with.

The concept is totally relevant, because with you-know-who in office there's been more marches and rallies recently than there has been in decades — and surely fighting for social justice is even more fulfilling when you have a partner by your side.

8. Down

Down. As in DTF. Yes, it's totally crude, but at least you know what you're getting into when you sign up. This one seems like it's for those who just want to get in, get out, and get on their way with no pretense.

9. Happn

Happn is GPS-based, and the whole idea is to connect you with someone you probably have already crossed paths with (or happened upon, if you will) on campus, in a park, or just walking down the street. It's kind of like a cross between Tinder and Cragslist's "Missed Connections." It a cool concept, but can also open you up to some creeprs — exercise caution while Happn-ing.

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