For some strange reason, men and women are embarrassed to talk about their mental health issues. However, they impact a lot of people around the world. If you've been dealing with depression, anxiety, or any other mental health issue, there are plenty of apps that can help you deal with your feelings. Here are a few of them you should think about downloading:
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1. Booster Buddy
On iTunes:
This app contains a cute little animal that'll feed you inspirational quotes as soon as he wakes up. In order to wake him up, you're going to have to complete three different quests. The app might ask you to return a phone call to someone you've been meaning to talk to, or to go to the movies to see a film that'll make you happy. The best part? Whenever you complete the quests, you get coins you can use to buy accessories to dress the little animal up.
2. Smiling Mind
On iTunes:
This app will ask you your age and then give you meditation "programs" that are meant to help improve your mood. When you're finished, it'll ask you to complete a post-evaluation to see if you're feeling any better. If you think that meditation would help you, then you should download this app to find out for sure.
3. Optimism
On iTunes:
"Optimism is a mood charting app that helps you develop strategies for managing depression, bipolar or other mental health conditions." The app allows you to track how much you've slept, how much you've exercised, and how much water you've drank. It's aim is to keep your body healthy, even when your mind isn't at its best.
4. Moods: Tracking for Better Health
This app tracks how you're feeling. It also allows you to leave notes to yourself. That way, you can look back at your past moods to see what triggered certain emotions. It doesn't sound like it would be all that helpful, but having a log of your emotions can actually help you figure out what's causing you the most stress in life.
5. Secret of Happiness
On Android:
This is a 30 day challenge! The app is meant to retrain your brain to think more positively. All it asks you to do is fill in three things you're thankful about and one thing you want to accomplish. Then, at the end of the day, it asks you to state one thing that happened in the past 24 hours that made you happy.
6. Daily Quote of the Day
On iTunes:
This app does exactly what you think it does. It gives you inspirational quotes to look at every single day. If you need some motivation, all you have to do is pull up this app and read the words of inspiration it has for you.
7. Positive Activity Jackpot
On Android:
"This app features augmented reality technology to help users find nearby enjoyable activities and makes activity suggestions with local options and the ability to invite friends." So if you're feeling down, all you have to do is look through this app to find something fun to do with your friends. It'll help keep your social life social.
On App Store:
This simple yet effective app is a way for people to keep track of their daily feelings. You get to rate your day on a scale of awful to rad as well as write down the activities that you did that day. In this way, you're able to configure what activities and things make you feel good and what makes you feel bad.
9. Lantern
On App Store:
Lantern is an app comprised of researchers, technologists and clinicians. It hopes to eradicate the stigma attached to mental disorders and to be a resource for those suffering to strengthen their emotional selves. It's an app that wants to make people feel empowered while encouraging self-improvement.
10. Headspace
On App Store:
This app is cool as it gives you all sorts of different techniques to feel more at ease and relaxed. It does this by guiding you through meditation, and quick exercises to get rid of the awful feeling of panic.
It doesn't take long to download these apps, so what are you waiting for? Are there any other apps you've found that have helped you deal with your mental health?
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