7 Apps That Will Help You Change Your Life This Year ...


7 Apps That Will Help You Change Your Life This Year ...
7 Apps That Will Help You Change Your Life This Year ...

Have you ever used any apps that will help change your life? I’m not talking about Candy Crush or 2041 here – more like apps that have transformed you into someone who is super organized, or helped you progress in your career or finally kick that eating disorder. Yes, there really are apps that will help change your life. While they won’t do all the work for you, if you’re willing to put the effort in – and actually use the app – they can make a profound difference. Here are the hottest life-changing apps for 2015.

1. Clue

Clue On iTunes at: itunes.apple.com

We’ll start off with something general, but definitely still one of the apps that will help change your life. Clue is a period tracker, but it’s the very best. It’s got a gender-neutral design which will appeal to you all-month-long, and it will help you track everything from weight gain to period due dates, fertility to headaches and temperatures. You can even link it up and share your data with your partner or close friends. If you’re not tracking already, this is definitely the app to get started with.

2. Lift

Lift On iTunes at: itunes.apple.com

This is like having your very own life coach, with you all the time. Lift is designed to help you build good habits and stick to them. You can create your own list of goals, such as stopping smoking, exercising more or drinking more water, and give yourself credit every time you achieve the goal. It’s helpful without being naggy, and it’s fun enough that you’ll actually stick to it. Accountability, without a bad guy.

3. Balanced

Balanced On iTunes at: itunes.apple.com

You might have already heard about Balanced, because it’s been making headlines around the world. It’s an app motivated by how you feel rather than what you do, and it tracks a lot of different aspects of wellness. It’s perfect for helping you through stressful periods, or just ensuring that you’re keeping life on track and aren’t headed for burnout. Give it a try. It’s different, but it’s refreshing.

4. Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits On iTunes at: itunes.apple.com

This one is quite similar to some of the others, in that it's designed to prompt you to build healthy habits. It’s not just for food, though – this one is centered more around life tasks, like calling your parents, spending one-on-one time with your other half and checking your bank statements.

5. One Thousand Gifts

One Thousand Gifts On iTunes at: itunes.apple.com

Have you read this book? I’d definitely recommend it if you haven’t! The app follows a similar premise. It’s a space for you to take photos of the beautiful moments in life and store them. You can look through them when you’re feeling low, and you’ll feel motivated and happy. It really works, so download it and get snapping some happy photos.

6. Way of Life

Way of Life On iTunes at: itunes.apple.com

This app is perfect for when your motivation is running low and you don’t see the point anymore. It produces charts which show progress for lots of things, so whether it’s canceling out alcohol, stopping smoking or losing weight, you can see exactly what you’re getting out of it – and why you should carry on.

7. I Can Be Motivated

I Can Be Motivated On iTunes at: itunes.apple.com

If you’re looking for a slightly cheesier type of app that helps change your life, this is definitely one. It keeps the life coach premise but eggs you on with cheesy motivational sayings and inspirational voice recordings, and it regularly tells you why you are trying so hard. This style of motivation works perfectly for some people, so give it a try and see if it works for you.

Have you found any great apps that help change your life? My Fitness Pal is another one that comes up regularly, although it’s more of a food/exercise tracker. It’s definitely worth exploring, if you haven’t already! Leave your recommendations for great apps in the comments.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I have the app 'seven' on my phone. It's about working out seven minutes every day.

No android apps?


Thanx for this no really yh yepppp

Thank you :)

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