Use your expensive Smartphones and tablets to help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions regarding your finances. Money is often a big deal in the New Year as many people vow that the coming year will yield more money and success than ever before. If you have similar resolutions, then try a few of these apps.
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Monitor how much you are spending so that you better understand where your money is going. There is little point creating a budget if you are not sure where your money goes and why. Track your expenses and income so that you are able to build a better budget as time goes by. Each month you can improve your budget so that it is more accurate. The repeating expenses function is a time saver, and it can help remind you about the bills you have coming up.
Track your expenses as an individual, and if you own a small business. There are functions and categories that suit people that have numerous ad-hoc expenses throughout the month. You can monitor your spending and create expense reports to see where your money is going and to help you predict where your money may go next month, even if the expenses are not regular and/or planned.
See where your money is going with this very popular and highly rated tracking app. It enables you to photograph/scan your paper receipts and store them in the categories of your choice. It is very good for creating expense reports. This is another good app for individuals that find they have lots of ad-hoc expenses during the month, and is also good for small business owners. You can even import credit card transactions, but always be careful before handing out your details to “any” app.
4. HelloWallet
IOS Android
Organize and manage your budget with this app. It has numerous functions, such as allowing you to get a snapshot of your current finances, and it gives guidance on how you may manage your budgets. Be careful when giving out your bank details to any apps, though this app is not built to allow you to move money around, which is a little more reassuring. It does though allow you to take a look at your bank balances.
5. MoneyPad
This is a personal money manager and expense logger at the same time. You can record where your money is going, and you can create charts to show where your money is going to go so that you can balance the budget. You can set up recurring transactions to help lower the amount of time you spend plugging information into the app.
See your budget in simple terms or set up detailed analytics so you can see how your budget is working and if there are parts of your budget that are taking up more money than they should. See where your money is leaking away, and see where your budget is seemingly over inflated. You’re able to set up several budgets at the same time.
The Mint app was made by Intuit, and they are experts at money managing and accountancy software. This app allows you to manage your money by helping you create useable budgets and set bill-payment reminders. It gives you customized tips on things such as saving money and reducing fees. There is also a function where you are able to check your credit score, which is especially helpful if you are trying to build your rating up.
You can use this as a digital file cabinet for your important accounts. You can organize your bills and create your own personal directory. Be careful if you are planning to keep your account details on there, such as your logins and such. Upload important documents if you wish and manage your money and accounts at the same time.
There is a free and paid version of this app. It allows you to see what bills are coming out today and what is due to come out in the coming weeks. You can get an overview of your cash flow so that you can better manage your money with an eye to what income and outgoings are expected in the near future. It puts things in a simple format that may suit people with fresh New Year’s resolutions.
Have you set any financial resolutions this year? What’s your main goal?
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SammyS:Thank-you. I really appreciate it. Wishing you well in 2016.
SammyS:I hope this time next year I've achieved all that I need to in regards to getting my finances under control. I'm taking the steps I need to get the help I need regarding a gambling addiction. I'm literally starting from the bottom. Wish me luck!!
Meg:You can do it @sammyS! Believe in yourself and your higher power!
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