Girl's Guide to Having a Stylish and Cool Instagram ...


Girl's Guide to Having a Stylish and Cool Instagram ...
Girl's Guide to Having a Stylish and Cool Instagram ...

We all want to have a super stylish and cool Insta - that's nothing new! Sometimes where we struggle, though, is knowing where to start as well as what is even considered 'stylish' and 'cool' in the world of Instagram these days.

Luckily, we have all the answers you've been looking for! PopSugar has plenty of tips and tricks you can use in order to make your Insta feed a memorable one! Keep reading to discover all the secrets you need to know ASAP!

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Develop a Theme

Some bloggers a drawn toward bright, vibrant colours. Others use filters to make photos look darker. Whatever they opt for, they know theme is important: it makes those 'grams easily recognizable and creates a uniform look on their feed.


Invest in a Camera

Yes, bloggers do take photos with their phones — sometimes. But the majority of pics you see were really shot beforehand with a professional camera, like a Canon, then edited to perfection before posting.


Post Often

It's not enough to post once a week: followers want that daily dose of style! Like fashion blogs, you don't need to post something "new" every day. Just save photos on your phone and share them later on!


Find the Light

It's tempting to snap away in your bedroom or at a bar, but there's a reason most bloggers shoot during the day: natural light is the best light. Consider the sunshine your own personal spotlight.


Use Other Apps

Bloggers don't mind admitting their photos are edited. In fact, many of them write posts revealing their secrets! Some popular apps worth a download? Snapsneed, VSCO, and Facetune.

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Try out Hashtags

white, clothing, blue, beauty, winter,@cranberrytantrums

Even established bloggers use hashtags to boost those "likes" — they just write them in the comments section. After you post a photo with your chosen caption, repeatedly type one symbol — such as "." or "*" — for the first few lines (to ensure the comment stays hidden). Then, hashtag away, using popular ones like #currentlywearing, #thatsdarling, or #flashesofdelight along with your typical #ootd.


Mix Things up

It's nice to have variety on your feed, so alternate between simple photos, boomerangs, and quotes to keep things interesting.


See the Bigger Picture

When someone new discovers your feed, they're not going to click on photos one by one. They'll likely scroll through your page first — which means you should be curating something visually appealing. Is it your color theme that draws them in? Do you keep things uniform with a white boarder? Is every third post a quote? It's definitely something to consider!

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