If you can't seem to get rid of your extra weight, technology could help. You're always on your phone, so seeing diet apps whenever you unlock your screen will remind you of the goals you've set for yourself. Plus, it's easier to keep track of how many calories you've consumed on your phone than in a notebook. If you're on a weight loss journey, here are a few amazing diet apps that are free to download:
On iTunes: itunes.apple.com
This app will motivate you to stay on your diet by helping you resist emotional eating and laziness. It contains inspirational quotes, diet tips, and motivational photos. You can also set notifications to remind you to drink water and eat veggies. Plus, there's even a panic button that you can press when you're tempted to eat something you know you shouldn't. When you press it, it'll give you all the tools you need to fight past the temptation.
On iTunes: itunes.apple.com
This app does exactly what its title promises. It helps you count calories and keep track of the foods that you consume throughout the day. It has a database that allows you to search for the exact food product you ate, but it even has a barcode scanner so you don't have to manually look up the products!
On iTunes: itunes.apple.com
This app will track the amount of food and water you've consumed and how often you've exercised. It will also provide you with a selection of different diets, an overview of your nutrition habits, and advice for the days that you're struggling. Even better, it has a pedometer in order to count the amount of steps you've taken throughout the day.
On iTunes: itunes.apple.com
This app will help you set goals for exercising, eating, and even sleeping. It also contains a calorie counter, a recipe builder, and a diary to keep track of your progress. It has a pretty high rating on iTunes and is one of the most downloaded apps, so you should have faith in its abilities.
On iTunes: itunes.apple.com
This app is brought to you by LiveStrong and contains charts that track your progress and a community forum for you to chat with others in similar situations. However, since it's attached to such a high quality name, it will ask you to pay for a membership after you've download it for free.
On iTunes: itunes.apple.com
In order to become healthier, you need to know all you can about how your body works. That's what this app aims to do! It has tons of information about nutrients, blood sugar, metabolism, calorie counting, and snacking. Anything that you could possibly wonder about dieting, this app will have information on. So download it now and start learning!
On iTunes: itunes.apple.com
This app will ask you about your age, height, weight, and activity level. Then it will ask you how much weight you're aiming to lose--but it also asks you about your health conditions in order to make sure the diets you go on aren't dangerous for your body.
We always have our phones on us, so we might as well use them to help make ourselves healthier. Have you used any other apps for dieting purposes?