7 Reasons to Have a Personal Website ...


7 Reasons to Have a Personal Website ...
7 Reasons to Have a Personal Website ...

There are a lot of reasons to have a personal website. These days, building a successful career has become a very difficult thing to achieve since there are fewer jobs available and there is lots of competition for every one. Apparently, 80 % of job openings are never advertised, the average number of individuals who apply for any given job is 118 and only 20% of those people get an interview. Also, according to Workfolio, “56% of all hiring managers are more impressed by a candidate’s personal website than any other personal branding tool – however only 7% of job seekers actually have a personal website”. Here are 7 compelling reasons to have a personal website that you should consider:

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1. It Offers Visibility

One of the most important reasons to have a personal website is the fact that it will offer you visibility. A well-designed and professional website will improve your chances of being found. You will be more visible in search engine results and this is extremely important since a lot of employers now days are researching job applicants online.

2. It Sends a Strong Professional Message

A lot of important people like actors, musicians, authors and even politicians have used websites to showcase their careers and to raise their profiles. By having a personal website you show others that you care about your professional image and that you are willing to work really hard to be a good professional.

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3. It Represents Your Personal Profile

A personal website will let your personality shine since it basically is your virtual portrait that shows off your personal self to the world. One of the most popular ways of presenting yourself online is by keeping a blog (like an online diary) or even a photo gallery that will help people get to know you better.

4. It Gives Your Content More Attention

A lot of studies have shown that people actually spend more time on websites than they do on any other social networking site. Your personal website can be just like your global “tribute” where you are able to share your experience, your knowledge and your enthusiasm with people who have common interests.

5. It Lets You Be in Touch with People at a Distance

A website can be one of the best places for making new acquaintances. It enables you to meet people of different nationalities, religion and age and also, it helps you keep in touch with your friends who are on the other side of the world.

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6. It Helps You Create a Good First Impression

According to Google, 80% of people research others online before meeting them for the first time. This number becomes 95% when we are talking about employers, since they often research their candidates online before calling them for an interview.

7. It Makes Extra Profit for You

A personal website will help you make extra profit with minimum investment on your part. Basically, it can help you make residual profit while you are enjoying your free time or even while you are sleeping. You can earn easy money by having visitors click on certain services or product promos or links that are relevant to your website content pages.

A well-designed, professional and informative personal website sends a strong message that you take your career seriously. Do you know any other reasons to have a personal website? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section!


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Good points - now how does a non- techie set one up

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