Pro Tips to Make a Good First Impression on Social Media ...


Pro Tips to Make a Good First Impression on Social Media ...
Pro Tips to Make a Good First Impression on Social Media ...

Wondering how to make a good first impression on social media? Social media is turning into a business giant. More and more businesses are turning to sites like Facebook, Instagram, and even YouTube to sell their products and business. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, social media is a permanent fixture to how successful your business and future employment will be. Even if you are not on social media 24/7, it does not hurt to make small posts to introduce yourself to future business partners. With that in mind, you will need to make a lasting positive impression. Here are five tips for how to make a good first impression on social media.

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You Are the Product

Thinking of yourself as the product is one of the best answers for how to make a good first impression on social media. Think of looking for employment like you are going on a blind date. You want your date to have a good impression of you. In the job search world, you are the product that you are trying to sell to your potential employer. You have to give it your all to help your business grow on social media. Post engaging content about yourself, what your business stands for, and your product. The more you engage your potential customers and employers, the greater success you will have in expanding your business. Pictures of your product are also a welcome plus on social media.


Do Not Post Content That Will Make You Look Bad

Everyone can see what you post online. People have lost their jobs because of the content they have posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other sites. Naked photos have also brought ruin to people who want to be taken seriously by potential employers. These companies have an image to keep up with their customers. They do not want to hire anyone that will hinder them making money in any way. Think before you post. Before you sit down to a computer or your phone to make a post, think to yourself, "Would I want my boss or employers to see this?" If the answer is no, then do not post it.


Make Connections

The point of social media is to be social on the internet. Even if you are an introvert, it would not hurt to make about three or four connections online to help spread the word about your business. Join a couple of groups that are related to your line of business. Friend some people you know in your real life and get them to help promote you and your business. Chances are, potential customers will look at who you are associated with and find you. But, be careful. Just like in tip number two, some of the people that you associate with may post content that will leave a bad taste in any visitor's mouth. If they say that you are connected to that person, they will have negative thoughts about you too.


Stand out

Everyone is on social media these days. Even the elderly have a Facebook account. What makes you so special to anyone looking to invest in you? Why should they be so interested in your business to begin with? This goes back to tip number one. In the vast world of social media, everyone is trying to grab the attention of anyone who clicks on their profile. Post content that will draw in your potential employer's attention. Sell your strongest traits to them. Do everything in your power to make them take a look at you.


Try to Be Consistent

Keeping up a blog or any form of social media can be daunting. Life just gets in the way. Sometimes, life events such as a new job or getting married can eat up your time. It is normal to fall off of the social media wagon. If you fall behind, you could have potential customers and employers wondering what happened to you or even lose interest in you. Try to make a post at least once a week. If you have things like Twitter or WordPress, you can connect it to other platforms of social media. So when you make one post to one place, your words or pictures will get shared to the other places, widening the net in your social media and helping to keep those accounts up to date.

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