7 Steps in Learning How to Build a Sales Funnel for Your Website ...

By Sue

7 Steps in Learning How to Build a Sales Funnel for Your Website ...

Do you have a website and looking to learn how to build a sales funnel? When an online shopper launches a search for a given product or service, the same Internet user seldom plans to buy the item that ends up at the top of the search engine listing. The owner of a website needs to appreciate that fact. Online retailers can claim to have made lots of sales when those same entrepreneurs take the time to become familiar with the sales funnel. So it makes sense that learning how to build a sales funnel becomes important.

Utilization of a sales funnel allows an online retailer to push an Internet user closer to the point where that same person will make a purchase. Creation of a website does not guarantee development of a sales funnel. Instead, that useful device has to emerge from completion of a step-by-step strategy. Here's how to build a sales funnel.

1 First, Use Your Website to Connect with Members of a Social Media Network

A growing number of companies do that by investing in a Facebook presence for their money-making endeavor. In that way, such companies can search for social media news that might be related to a given company’s products. When a website employs this strategy, it establishes an open connection with those men and women that are spending time online. And that's just the first step in how to build a sales funnel.

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2 In the Next Step, a Website Arranges for Establishment of a Closed Connection

It seeks to connect with those men and women that are reading its blog or its newsletter. That is why the writers of blog posts encourage readers to comment on their posts. The comment represents the making of a connection.

3 A Funnel Starts to Narrow as It Grows in Length. a Sales Funnel Displays the Same Feature

Following employment of the closed connections (comments to blog posts), the emerging funnel contains invitations. Each invitation gets delivered by means of email, and each email represents a request made to a consumer. The consumer is asked to respond to the promotional material from a given website

4 Those That Respond to the Emailed Invitation then Get a Free Piece of Information. Often It is an E-book

It usually expands on some topic covered in a blog post. Alternatively, it might address a problem that was mentioned in some comment to a blog post.

5 In Order to Make Further Use of the Conventional Sales Funnel, the Owner of the Website Needs to Be Selling Three or More Products

One of them must be designated as the introductory product. It should be offered to first-time shoppers, those that have arrived at the designated point on the website’s sales funnel.

Understand that what is offered at this point has a price. It is not a freebie. It has to be something more than what might be found in any object used as a sample. Still, it has only limited value.

6 Next Study Your Available Products

Look for one that costs a bit more than the introductory product. Still, be sure that it is not your most expensive product. At this point you have reached the part of the funnel where it becomes appropriate to offer an item of some value, i.e. one with a modest price.

7 If You Have Gotten to This Point, then You Have Arrived at the Tip, the Narrowest Part of Your Sales Funnel

Now you will want to encourage the return visitor to your website the chance to buy a premium product. Ideally, you have studied that person’s earlier purchases, so that you can make a more enticing offer.

Your sales funnel will change as you expand the list of available products or as you make improvements to your existing products. Introduction of improvements also expands the list of available products. For instance, an older version might be used in the slot that calls for an item with a modest price. Obviously, you would want to place a higher price on the updated and improved version.

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