7 Apps for Nature Lovers ...

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7 Apps for Nature Lovers ...

Apps for nature lovers will support your outdoor adventures, make your picnics, hikes and camping more fun and assist you in viewing wildlife. Before you head out to the park, woods, seaside or countryside, download these apps for nature lovers.

1 Flower Pedia (Version 2.0)

Flower Pedia (Version 2.0)

On iTunes at itunes.apple.com

This is an app that features a flower encyclopedia. It has just had a new version released by which you may “flower-share” within the nature loving community. It is one of the apps for nature lovers that helps you to identify flowers in your garden and on your nature walks. It has a massive amount of information on flowers that helps you find the names of what you are seeing out in the countryside.

Frequently asked questions

2 MyEnvironment


On iTunes at itunes.apple.com

This is one of the best nature apps for people trying to find information about their local area. If you are walking around an area of natural beauty, then this app may be able to give you information about it that has been gathered by the Department of Sustainability, and information that is widely considered to be fact by environmental scientists.

3 Landscaper's Companion

Landscaper's Companion

On iTunes at itunes.apple.com

This is a photographic and text reference app that tells you about over seven thousand plants that you may find in your garden. Search for plants based on their shape, size and color until you have narrowed your search down to the plant you are researching. You can figure out what is a weed and what should stay. It is one of the few apps for nature lovers that will also tell you how to grow things in your USDA Hardiness Zone.

4 Weathergram- Nature Lovers

Weathergram- Nature Lovers

On iTunes at itunes.apple.com

This is an app that sends you a quote or a poem inspired by the weather and is placed on a background that was uploaded onto Instagram. An image of nature or the environment that was just uploaded to Instagram recently is used as your daily app background. The poem or quote is placed upon it and the chosen poem or quote will relate in some way to the weather at the moment.

5 Trails - GPS Tracker

Trails - GPS Tracker

On iTunes at itunes.apple.com

Ever been for a nature walk and wished you could go back again but cannot remember the route? This is one of the few nature apps that will record your route using your GPS. It tracks your route so that you can find it again the next time you go walking. You can see how fast you traveled and you can see the trails that other people have left. There are also trails that are known and shown on maps, and it can show you your elevation at whatever point on your trail you happen to be on.

6 Audubon Butterflies - a Field Guide to North American Butterflies

Audubon Butterflies - a Field Guide to North American Butterflies

On iTunes at itunes.apple.com

As the name suggests, this is an app that allows you to identify and learn about the butterflies that visit North America. There are quite a few of them so you have to narrow down your search and keep narrowing to find the butterfly you are looking at. You then get images and a short written text about each one.

7 IBird Pro Guide to Birds

IBird Pro Guide to Birds

On iTunes at itunes.apple.com

This is a great app that helps you identify birds. There are lots of books on birds, but this app beats them all because you can filter through the birds you see so that you may identify them a lot quicker. There are photographs and illustrations to help you identify the bird a little easier.

These nature apps are mainly for North America but there are similar ones available for your own countries. Nature lovers can make great use of their smartphone to enjoy the outdoors more. Are any of interest to you?

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